
 Advanced Settings

Meshmatic’s Advanced Settings gives users the ability to control the resolution and quality of...

 All Meshmatic Tools

Please note that some tools are applied in a certain order and some tools need to be repeated...

 Extract small parts

The Extract small part tool scans your model and calculates the average size of all the parts...

 Face clean-up

The face clean-up tool corrects errors in your geometry such as: ngons, non-planar faces,...

 Generate smooth normals

Generating smooth normals is ideal for users that are converting CAD files into a new format....

 LOD Generator

The LOD tool decimates your mesh to reduce the complexity of your model. Meshmatic gives you the...

 Outliner roll-up

The Outliner Roll-up tool automatically detects and corrects empty or multi-parental groups in...

 Reduce High Poly Mesh

Meshmatic’s decimation tool reduces the resolution of your mesh. The tool helps with models...

 Remove internal faces

The software scans through your entire model and detects the outer layer of faces/meshes that...

 The order in which tools are applied in Meshmatic

Meshmatic’s profiles apply various tools to reach the desired conversion and optimization...