After exporting your file from Meshmatic, if you find that some or all parts of your model are...
All faces are detached in the modelThis is an issue with the current normal generator tool in Meshmatic. It is under development.
How to fix an inside out mesh in MayaAn inside-out mesh occurs when the normals of the mesh are aligned inward (pointing towards the...
LODs are the sameMeshmatic's simplification tools are sensitive to mesh damage or deformation. When the software...
Mesh faces are missing after optimizationIf your mesh is missing some faces after optimization, it is because some of the faces have bad...
Meshmatic Crashed During Optimization ProcessIf Meshmatic is crashing while processing a file it could be because your hardware is failing or...
Model is 90 degrees off sidewayDifferent 3D applications have a different axis system. If your model is 90 degree rotated after...
Part names changed after optimizationWhen Meshmatic converts and optimizes your file, it copies the parts' names from the original...
Rotation error for parts after using MeshmaticIf a part in an assembly has the wrong rotation after using Meshmatic , check if the profile you...
Unity did not automatically assign LOD's to the modelMeshmatic can export your LODs for Unity. If after you import the FBX file into Unity the game...