Welcome to Meshmatic CLI Version 2.3
Options | |
-?, -h, --help | Displays help on commandline options. |
--help-all | Displays help including Qt specific options. |
-v, --version | Displays version information. |
-a, --progress | Show progress during process. |
-s, --progress-file <progress-file> | Generate live progress output <progress-file> in output directory. |
--verbose | Show verbose output. |
-k, --license <license> | License Key <license>. |
-j, --json <filename> | Generate JSON summary output <filename> in output directory. |
-f, --file-format <format> | Choose your file format <format>. Supported file format: udatasmith, gltf, fbx, fbxa, dae, glb2, gltf2, glb, obj, stl |
-p, --profile-path <profile-path> | Please set the profile path <profile-path>. profile should be in standard format that generated by meshmatic app and exported as json format. |
Arguments: | |
source | Source file to optimize. |
destination | Destination directory. |