Meshmatic version 1106 introduces functionalities to improve your optimization workflow. 

Our new Suggestive Optimization feature is a smart assistant that auto optimizes based on your 3D file and your project type. Simply import your project, select your project type and Meshmatic will do the rest. 

Meshmatic's Multi-thread processing restructures the file as it reads it, without breaking any data, so massive 3D files fan be handled seamlessly. 

More updates

Configuration Analysis

A smart assistant helps you optimize your file based on your project objective. Simply import your project, select from four project types (game engine, 3D design, rendering, 3D print) and Meshmatic will do the rest. 

Updated Statistics Insights

The stats tab is updated to include a fresh UI and new  data analysis tools. As you optimize your file you can monitor parameters such as mesh count, total faces, duplicate assets etc. to help get a full look into your file.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

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